Please choose your Membership type:

* are compulsory fields
$ 275.00 per year Full Membership

You are eligible for Full Membership if you:

  • Currently work as a preschool leader, including as a Director or Principal, in a government: stand-alone or school-based preschool Children’s Centre, Integrated early childhood service
  • Are in a seconded preschool leader position
  • Are working in a DfE preschool and aspiring to a preschool leadership position
  • Currently hold leadership or project office positions within DfE in the area of early childhood education/li>
  • Are on leave (but were a preschool leader prior to your leave)

$ 110.00 per year Retired Members

You are eligible for Retired Membership if you:

  • Are a retired preschool leader
  • Are a retired early childhood qualified teacher/educator who has held a leadership position within the Department for Education.

$ 275.00 per year Other Members

You are eligible for Other Membership if you:

  • Are any person working in preschool leadership outside the above categories. To be considered for this membership, please email